Different class template args to generate same template instance?
Nick Sabalausky
a at a.a
Mon Nov 2 14:16:20 PST 2009
"Nick Sabalausky" <a at a.a> wrote in message
news:hcnlh7$msb$1 at digitalmars.com...
> "downs" <default_357-line at yahoo.de> wrote in message
> news:hcnjit$4na$1 at digitalmars.com...
>> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>>> "BCS" <none at anon.com> wrote in message
>>> news:a6268ffc3898cc29d1f554dfe2 at news.digitalmars.com...
>>>> Hello Nick,
>>>>> So...is there any trickery I
>>>>> could do so that SubFoo!("sam") and SubFoo!("sam", "human") would
>>>>> resolve to the same subclass of Foo?
>>>> Make a SubFoo!(char[] s) that does your logic and if it passesa alises
>>>> to
>>>> SubFoo!(s,"")
>>> I'm not sure I understand...?
>> I think what he's trying to say is
>> template SubFoo!(char[] name, char[] type) {
>> static if (name == "sam" && (type == "human" || type == "")) alias
>> _SubFoo!("sam", "human") SubFoo;
>> /* etc */
>> }
> Ahh! Thanks all, that works perfectly:
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> module foo;
> class Foo
> {
> protected char[] _n="Plain Foo";
> char[] n()
> {
> return _n.dup;
> }
> }
> template SubFoo(char[] name, char[] type="")
> {
> static if (name == "sam" && (type == "human" || type == ""))
> alias _SubFoo!(name, "human") SubFoo;
> else static if(
> (name == "zoe" && type == "human") ||
> (name == "zoe" && type == "starship")
> )
> alias _SubFoo!(name, type) SubFoo;
> else static if(name == "zoe" && type == "")
> static assert(false, "Name '"~name~"' is ambiguous");
> else
> static assert(false, "Invalid name/type: '"~name~"' '"~type~"'");
> }
> private class _SubFoo(char[] name, char[] type) : Foo
> {
> static if(name == "sam" && type == "human")
> this() { _n = "sam human"; }
> else static if(name == "zoe" && type == "human")
> this() { _n = "zoe human"; }
> else static if(name == "zoe" && type == "starship")
> this() { _n = "zoe starship"; }
> else
> static assert(false, "Invalid name/type: '"~name~"' '"~type~"'");
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> module main;
> import tango.io.Stdout;
> import foo;
> void main()
> {
> auto f = new Foo();
> auto s_ = new SubFoo!("sam");
> auto sh = new SubFoo!("sam", "human");
> auto zh = new SubFoo!("zoe", "human");
> auto zs = new SubFoo!("zoe", "starship");
> // ERROR: Name 'zoe' is ambiguous
> //auto z_ = new SubFoo!("zoe");
> // ERROR: Invalid name/type 'dummy' 'dude'
> //auto d_ = new SubFoo!("dummy", "dude");
> Stdout.formatln("f : {}", f.n); // OUT: f : Plain Foo
> Stdout.formatln("s_: {}", s_.n); // OUT: s_: sam human
> Stdout.formatln("sh: {}", sh.n); // OUT: sh: sam human
> Stdout.formatln("zh: {}", zh.n); // OUT: zh: zoe human
> Stdout.formatln("zs: {}", zs.n); // OUT: zs: zoe starship
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------------
Oops, just realized that main doesn't necessarily prove that the
SubFoo!("sam") and SubFoo!("sam", "human") are the same types. But this
passes fine, so all looks ok, thanks again! :
static assert(is( SubFoo!("sam") == SubFoo!("sam", "human") ));
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