Basic file i/o

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Fri Sep 11 15:39:26 PDT 2009

Ali Cehreli wrote:
> What is the simplest way of using a file?
> There are two 'File's in Phobos and they conflict:
> 1) struct File in std.stdio
> 2) class File in

That's crazy.

> The one in is definitely what I want to use. What to do?

Import, create a File object for each file you want to read 
or write, and use its methods.

> Prefer using full names in D as in

You can put in your own module

     alias File;

which'll mean that, whenever an unqualified File is used in the module 
where the declaration is placed, it means that File.

> Perhaps std.stdio is too low-level and too C-like, and I should not use it anyway?

It's good for simple console I/O (indeed, it's where you get writef), 
but I guess not much else.

> Should I be using std.cstream instead, as it defines din and dout?

You could indeed.  I sometimes use din/dout myself.  Other times I use 
the console I/O in my utility library



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