How to tell if a file is actually a socket?

orgoton baberek sdf at
Mon Aug 30 12:12:06 PDT 2010

On 29/08/2010 17:30, Seth Hoenig wrote:
> I have a program which does a bit of scanning through files, and right
> now I'm running into issues where std.File.isfile() is reporting sockets
> as files, which is problematic, because sockets cause segfaults when I
> try to read them.
> This is the output of ls -lha on the directory with the socket:
> srwxr-xr-x  1 seth seth    0 2010-08-09 20:54 SingletonSocket
> So how can I detect if a file is actually a socket?

Try checking the output of "file" command. It should state if it is a 
socket or not. Also check the C library for such function and call it 
from D.

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