Facing problems with Class Properties

d coder dlang.coder at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 16:41:43 PST 2010

> if(false) {
>    for (size_t j = 0; j < f.length...)
>    ...
> }
> Semantically this code is wrong as you can't take the length of f which is class Bar. The static if forces the compiler to not generate this code as it is known to be false.

Thanks Jesse

What you are saying makes sense to me. The problem is that the
following code works perfectly. I have just commented out some part
and replaced it with some debug statements.

The output from this code makes me believe that "is" and "typeof" do
have some run-time semantics. Or is it a D2 bug. BTW I am using
Digital Mars D Compiler v2.050.

- Puneet

import std.stdio;
class BaseClass { }

class Bar: BaseClass { }

class Foo: BaseClass {
  this() {
    foreach(i, f; this.tupleof) {
      if (is (typeof(this.tupleof[i]) : BaseClass[])) {
	writeln("Creating new objects for all ARRAY types ", this.tupleof[i].stringof);
	// for (size_t j = 0; j < this.tupleof[i].length; ++j) {
	//   this.tupleof[i][j] = new typeof(this.tupleof[i][j]) ();
	// }
      if (is(typeof(this.tupleof[i]) : BaseClass)) {
	writeln("Creating new objects for all NON-ARRAY types ",
	// this.tupleof[i] = new typeof(this.tupleof[i]) ();
  Bar instance1;
  Bar instance2;
  Bar [10] instances;

unittest {
  Foo foo;
  foo = new Foo;

// I am getting the following output
// Creating new objects for all NON-ARRAY types this.instance1
// Creating new objects for all NON-ARRAY types this.instance2
// Creating new objects for all ARRAY types this.instances

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