Problems with std.traits.isSafe & SafeD

Johannes Pfau spam at
Sun Dec 12 05:55:11 PST 2010

Hmm, next problem with safe D.

     @safe int tf(int i){return i;}
     bool a = isSafe!(tf);
     assert(a == true);
     static assert(isSafe!(tf));
     static assert(isSafe!(typeof(&tf)));

All three asserts fail! Even the example from std.traits doesn't work for  
me, isSafe always returns false. And the last assert causes another  
event.d(170): Error: template instance isSafe!(int delegate(int i)) does  
not match template declaration isSafe(alias func)

So it's not possible to check the safety of a delegate Type? It seems like  
isSafe just doesn't support this use case, maybe it could be added, but  
why is "typeof(&tf)" "int delegate(int i)"? Shouldn't @safe be somewhere  
in that type?
Johannes Pfau

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