enum ubyte[] vs enum ubyte[3]

Johannes Pfau spam at example.com
Mon Dec 20 02:19:53 PST 2010

At 20.12.2010, 11:02, bearophile wrote <bearophileHUGS at lycos.com>:
> Hello Johannes and thank you for developing your tool for D2 too :-)
Actually it's not mine, I'm just a regular user. I don't think I could  
ever understand the finite state machine code (especially because it's  
c++), but patching the c/d1 codegen to output d2 code is easy enough ;-)

> In D1 a enum ubyte[] is a compile-time constant dynamic array of  
> unsigned bytes, it is a 2 word long struct that contains a pointer and a  
> length.
Did you mean in D2? I feared that, so I'll have to do some extra work...

> In D2 a "enum ubyte[30]" is a compile-time constant fixed size array of  
> 32 unsigned bytes that gets passed around by value.
Yep, that's what I want.

> Regardless the array kind you want to use, also take a look at "Hex  
> Strings":
> http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/lex.html
> That allow you to write bytes arrays as hex data:
> x"00 FBCD 32FD 0A"
That's interesting, I'll have a look at it, but ragel shares big parts of  
the c/c++/d code, so as long as the C syntax works there's no need to  
change that.

> Bye,
> bearophile

Thanks for your help!

Johannes Pfau

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