string comparison

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Mon Dec 20 11:50:45 PST 2010

On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 18:44:12 +0000, doubleagent wrote:

>> Are you 100% sure that you are running this version
> I have to be.  There are no other versions of phobos on this box and
> 'which dmd' points to the correct binary.
>>  dictionary[word.idup] = newId;
> That fixes it.
>> The 'word' array is mutable and reused by byLine() on each iteration. 
>> By doing the above you use an immutable copy of it as the key instead.
> I REALLY don't understand this explanation.  Why does the mutability of
> 'word' matter when the associative array 'dictionary' assigns keys by
>'s got to assign them by value, right?  Otherwise we would
> only get one entry in 'dictionary' and the key would be constantly
> changing.

This could be related to bug 2954, for which a fix will be released in 
the next version of DMD.


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