Is there a way to get a list of functions that get inlined by dmd?

Trass3r un at
Tue Feb 9 07:12:56 PST 2010

Am 08.02.2010, 16:33 Uhr, schrieb Scorn <scorn at>:

> Trass3r schrieb:
>> Would be interesting.
> Yes, this would be very interesting indeed. A list of the rules which
> dmd uses internally for inlining functions and methods would be really  
> nice.

Well if I read the code correctly the following is not supported:
- nested inline?
- variadic functions (T t, ...)
- synchronized
- imported functions
- functions with closure vars
- virtual functions that aren't final
- functions with out, ref or static array parameters
- functions with more than 250 elementary expressions

Created my own little inline dumping patch:

Index: inline.c
--- inline.c	(revision 363)
+++ inline.c	(working copy)
@@ -1126,6 +1126,7 @@
  	if (fd && fd != iss->fd && fd->canInline(0))
  	    e = fd->doInline(iss, NULL, arguments);
+		printf("Inlined function %s.\n", fd->toPrettyChars());
      else if (e1->op == TOKdotvar)
@@ -1145,7 +1146,10 @@
-		e = fd->doInline(iss, dve->e1, arguments);
+		{
+			e = fd->doInline(iss, dve->e1, arguments);
+			printf("Inlined method %s.\n", fd->toPrettyChars());
+		}

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