Threading errors.

Philippe Sigaud philippe.sigaud at
Mon Jul 26 13:23:41 PDT 2010

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 19:11, dcoder <dcoder at> wrote:

> == Quote from Rory Mcguire (rjmcguire at's article
> > Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

std.typecons.Tuple fields cannot be indexed like arrays, Andrei made a
mistake. To access field  #n, use ._n or .field[n]. There is no difference
between the two.

void writer() {
 for( ;; ) {
   auto msg = receiveOnly!(Tid, int)(); // msg is a Tuple!(Tid, int), msg._0
is a Tid, msg._1 is an int.
   writeln( "Secondary thread: ", msg._1);

Also, in my case, the return; in writer must be commented out, or DMD
complains it cannot be reached.

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