auto functions not authorized inside main?

Rory McGuire rmcguire at
Mon Jun 28 08:29:55 PDT 2010

On Mon, 28 Jun 2010 16:07:43 +0200, Philippe Sigaud  
<philippe.sigaud at> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 15:40, Rory McGuire <rmcguire at>  
> wrote:

>>> void main()
>>> {
>>>    auto fun(string s) { return s;} // this does not compile
>>> }

>> Hope this isn't a stupid question, but how would you access this  
>> function if it did work?
>> Would it be fun("asdf")?

> Yes, that's what I had in mind. Basically, just using it as any other  
> auto inner function.

> void main()
> {
> auto fun(string s) { return s;}
> auto s = fun("abc");
> auto t = fun("def");
> }
>> Is this just shorthand for:
>> auto fun = function(string s) {return s;};

> That'd be about the same, yes. Fact is, I don't really _need_ this, I  
> was just astonished to be bitten by this.
> Why can I do

> void main()
> {
>    string foo(string s) { return s;}
> }

> and not

> void main()
> {
>    auto foo(string s) { return s;}
> }

> ?

> ***

> OK, I tested it some more, and it seems you cannot define auto function  
> inside any other function. So auto function cannot be inner functions.  
> I'm quite astonished I never did that when using D, but OK.

> I filed a bug report, at least to update the docs. It's bug #4401.

> Philippe

Right! I get what you're saying, didn't realise because it was formatted  
more how I would format a anon delegate.
You're saying "surely the compiler can infer the return type for a inner  
function just as much as it can infer the return type of a normal function.

Must be a compiler bug.

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