Converting between string and const char*

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Wed Mar 3 12:38:57 PST 2010

Robert Clipsham wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm playing with D2/Phobos, and was wondering what the right way to 
> convert between const char* and string is? In D1/Tango I could use 
> toStringz() and fromStringz() from tango.stdc.stringz, I can only find 
> an equivalent for toStringz in D2/Phobos though, in std.string. What can 
> I use as a replacement to tango's fromStringz, or will I need to roll my 
> own? I also tried using!(), but that doesn't seem to support 
> converting between them.
> Robert can convert from const(char)* to string, at least, while 
std.string.toStringz() converts the other way.

   const(char)* s1 = "Hello";

   string s2 = to!string(s1);
   assert (s2 == "Hello");

   const(char)* s3 = toStringz(s2);
   assert (s3[0..5] == "Hello");

It's a bit weird that only converts one way, but since 
std.string is about to be removed from Phobos altogether, I assume it 
will work both ways in the future.


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