
Ellery Newcomer ellery-newcomer at
Tue May 4 06:55:36 PDT 2010

On 05/04/2010 01:58 AM, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:

> In your case the segfault would cause SIGSEGV (signal 11) to be sent to
> the process, and the the above test would print "Process terminated by
> signal 11".
> See "man wait" for more info.

That's where I got my info (or rather /usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h)

> std.process is currently undergoing a complete redesign, so the current
> situation should improve in the near future. :)
> -Lars

That's good to hear. And since you're an expert in this stuff, does this 
my code look alright?

import std.typecons;
static import std.c.process;
import std.functional;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

alias Tuple!(ubyte, "status",ubyte, "term", ubyte, 
"sig",bool,"signaled",bool, "stopped", bool,"continued",bool, 
"coredumped") PID;

PID toPID(int p){
     PID pid;
     pid.status = cast(byte)((p & 0xff00) >> 8);
     pid.term = cast(byte)(p & 0xff);
     pid.sig = cast(byte)(p & 0x7f);
     pid.signaled = pid.sig != 0 && pid.sig != 0x7f;
     pid.coredumped = cast(bool)(p & 0x80);
     pid.stopped = pid.term == 0x7f;
     pid.continued = p == 0xffff;
     return pid;

int fromPID(PID pid){
     if(pid.signaled) return pid.term;
     return pid.status;

alias compose!(toPID, std.c.process.system, toStringz) system_p;
alias compose!(fromPID, system_p) system;

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