Handy templates

Simen kjaeraas simen.kjaras at gmail.com
Wed May 26 16:00:36 PDT 2010

Here's a collection of templates I have created and use often. Some of  
these may be fit for inclusion in Phobos, others maybe not as much.
Please critique, and post your own indispensable snippets.

Checks if one tuple contains another.

static assert(Contained!(int).In!(float, int));
static assert(!Contained!(int).In!(float, "foo"));
static assert(Contained!(int,"foo").In!(float, int, "foo", "bar"));
template Contained(T...) {
     template In(U...) {
         static if (T.length == 0) {
             enum In = true;
         } else static if (U.length >= T.length) {
             enum In = SameTuple!(T).As!( U[0..T.length]) ||
         } else {
             enum In = false;

unittest {
     static assert(Contained!(int).In!(float, int));
     static assert(!Contained!(int).In!(float, "foo"));
     static assert(Contained!(int,"foo").In!(float, int, "foo", "bar"));
     static assert(!Contained!(int,"foo").In!(float, int, "bar", "foo"));
     static assert(Contained!().In!(float, int, "bar", "foo"));

Evaluates to $(D F!(T[0..tupleLength]) &&  
F!(T[tupleLength..2*tupleLength]) && ... && F[T[$-tupleLength..$]]).

     static assert(allTuplesSatisfy!(Contained!(int).In, 2, int, float,  
"foo", int));
     static assert(!allTuplesSatisfy!(Contained!(int).In, 2, int, float,  
template allTuplesSatisfy( alias F, uint tupleLength, T... ) {
     static assert( !( T.length % tupleLength ) );

     static if ( T.length == tupleLength ) {
         enum allTuplesSatisfy = F!( T );
     } else {
         enum allTuplesSatisfy = F!( T[0..tupleLength] ) &&  
allTuplesSatisfy!( F, tupleLength, T[tupleLength..$] );

unittest {
     static assert(allTuplesSatisfy!(Contained!(int).In, 2, int, float,  
"foo", int));
     static assert(!allTuplesSatisfy!(Contained!(int).In, 2, int, float,  

Repeats a type or tuple $(D num) times.

     static assert(allTuplesSatisfy!(Contained!(int).In, 2, int, float,  
"foo", int));
     static assert(!allTuplesSatisfy!(Contained!(int).In, 2, int, float,  
template Repeat( uint num, T... ) {
     static if ( num > 1 ) {
         alias TypeTuple!( T, Repeat!( num -1, T ) ) Repeat;
     } else {
         alias T Repeat;

unittest {
     static assert(SameTuple!(Repeat!(4, int)).As!(int, int, int, int));
     static assert(SameTuple!(Repeat!(4, "foo")).As!("foo", "foo", "foo",  
     static assert(SameTuple!(Repeat!(2, int, "foo")).As!(int, "foo", int,  
     static assert(!SameTuple!(Repeat!(2, int)).As!());


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