Bemused by this build error

torhu no at spam.invalid
Thu Nov 18 20:11:30 PST 2010

On 14.11.2010 20:26, Bob Cowdery wrote:
> Hi
> I copied a module because I am changing its form. The original is still
> in the build but is a different package and class name. The closest
> thing I can think it might be talking about is this line:
> x_points[] =
> (x_average[0][]+x_average[1][]+x_average[2][]+x_average[3][]+x_average[4][]+x_average[5][]+x_average[6][]+x_average[7][]+x_average[8][]+x_average[9][])/10;
> I changed the name and it made no difference. How does one diagnose this
> kind of problem?

Did you try doing a complete rebuild?

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