How to link in a lib on cmd line?

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Wed Sep 8 05:53:11 PDT 2010

On Tue, 07 Sep 2010 22:28:57 -0400, Nick Sabalausky <a at a.a> wrote:

> "Jonathan M Davis" <jmdavisprog at> wrote in message
> news:mailman.129.1283909879.858.digitalmars-d-learn at
>> On Tuesday 07 September 2010 18:23:59 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>>> I've tried all sorts of stuff and looked all over, but I'm completely  
>>> at
>>> a
>>> loss. How do I link in a static lib on the command line?
>> Don't you just include it as one of the arguments, like all of the .d
>> files? I
>> don't know. I haven't had a need to link in static libs before, and I
>> usually do
>> the linking step myself with gcc so that I can get a static binary
>> (since -L-
>> static doesn't currently work with dmd).
> ------------------------
>> type main.d
> module main;
> import theLib;
> void main()
> {
>     foo();
> }
>> type theLib.d
> module theLib;
> import std.stdio;
> void foo()
> {
>     writeln("In foo");
> }
>> type theLib.di
> module theLib;
> void foo();
>> dmd theLib.d -lib
>> move theLib.d hide-this-file-and-keep-it-out-of-the-way-theLib.d
>> dmd main.d theLib.lib
> OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.2
> Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2009  All rights reserved.
> theLib.lib
>  Warning 140: Library probably needs FIXLIB
>> main
> In foo
> ------------------------
> Ok, so that works, but with a linker warning. However, that can't be used
> with rdmd, becuase rdmd will interpret "theLib.lib" as the name of the
> program to be run.

dmd just does a pass through:


I have no clue what optlink's cryptic syntax is, but on Linux, it would be  
something along the lines of:

-L-Llibdir -L-lmylib

To give you an idea.  Now go find the command line syntax for optlink :)   
Also, you can try dmd -v to see what link line it calls normally, I'm sure  
it has some of those options in there.


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