Formating decimal numbers with commas (1,000.00)

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Tue Sep 14 17:46:25 PDT 2010

On Tuesday, September 14, 2010 13:00:22 jicman wrote:
> Greetings.
> I have been trying, for more than an hour, to get information on how to
> format a number (2342.23) to $2,342.23.  I can write a little function to
> do this, but doesn't format already has this builtin?  I searched for
> vsprintf(), printf, etc., and they all have a glyphic way of saying
> things.
> I know that I can use,
> real amt = 2342.23;
> char[] z = format("%.2f",amt);
> but, I want to do the $2,342.23.
> Can anyone help a poor man? :-)
> thanks,
> josé

format() should work with the same types of parameters that printf() works with 
( ). That should 
allow you to set the precision that you want, but I don't believe that it does 
anything with commas. If you want that, I believe that you're going to have to 
code it yourself.

- Jonathan M Davis

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