Combining variadic functions with class templates

Pelle pelle.mansson at
Thu Sep 30 11:39:50 PDT 2010

On 09/30/2010 08:25 PM, Sebastian Schuberth wrote:
> On 30.09.2010 20:20, wrzosk wrote:
>>> void main()
>>> {
>>> Vec3f v(1,1,1);
>>> }
>>> I still get
>>> Building Release\ConsoleApp1.exe...
>>> main.d(14): found 'v' when expecting ';' following statement
>>> Building Release\ConsoleApp1.exe failed!
>> Change
>> Vec3f v(1,1,1);
>> into
>> Vec3f v = Vec3f(1,1,1);
> Thanks, that works, but that syntax seems a little verbose to me. Is the
> first syntax generally not supported in D?

It is not. You can use auto v = Vec3f(1,1,1);

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