The is expression
enuhtac_lists at
Fri Apr 1 15:14:06 PDT 2011
the "is" expression is a great feature of D - but its use is not very
intuitive, at least for me.
I'm trying to write a template that figures out if the template
parameter is of a given type.
This is the type I would like to check for:
struct A( T, string s )
{ ... };
One possibility to accomplish this check is explicit template
template isA( T )
enum bool isA = false;
template isA( T : A!( U, s ), U, string s )
enum bool isA = true;
This more or less the C++ approach. But in D this could also be done
with static if and the "is" expression. As I understand "is" it should
be done like this:
template isA( T )
static if( is( T U == A!( U, s ), string s ) )
enum bool isA = true;
enum bool isA = false;
But this does not work. So what am I doing wrong?
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