Up to date documentation..?
Jesse Phillips
jessekphillips+d at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 12:31:13 PDT 2011
On Sun, 10 Apr 2011 21:04:04 +0200, simendsjo wrote:
> Seems the documentation is lagging a bit behind.. It will be frustrating
> to rely on features that will be removed / vastly changed in the future.
> Not quite sure I can trust the wiki..
> http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?LanguageDevel
> This is under "pending decision", but it's marked with a specific
> version. * [DMD 2.051] toString() needs to be improved (Eg, change
> signature to void toString(void delegate(const char[] s) put, const
> char[] formatstr))
> The changelog doesn't mention anything though.
> Is my best bet to buy Andrei's book and learn from there? Not touching
> any features he doesn't mention?
Well TDPL does have errors in itself. So while the Wiki may be wrong, it
will at least give you the items that are changes and might be changing.
I'm unsure why Don tagged that line, but I think the idea was approved
and maybe it just didn't making in.
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