"Before and after" in contracts?

Magnus Lie Hetland magnus at hetland.org
Wed Apr 13 06:32:00 PDT 2011

On 2011-04-11 18:42:18 +0200, bearophile said:

> Your need is perfectly natural it's named "old" values or prestate in 
> contract programming, and currently it's probably the biggest hole in 
> the D contract programming. It was discussed three or four times, like:


> I don't know if Walter is willing someday to fill this hole of the D DbC.

It seems the prestate thing hasn't been done because it's a bit 
ambitious? I mean, the automatic part (which would be totally 
*kick-ass*, of course).

For me, I'd be happy if I could simply declare and initialize the 
variables myself somehow before the body is executed, and then check 
them in the out-block.

> In my opinion is good to bugger now and then the main D newsgroup about 
> this, to help Walter&Andrei understand that there are some programmers 
> that care for this feature of DbC.

Is there a feature request on this that I could add my vote to? If not, 
perhaps it's worth creating one?

If not, I guess I could just post a "bump" to the D group :-}

Magnus Lie Hetland

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