Multi-file byte comparison tool. What would you have done differently?
Kai Meyer
kai at
Fri Aug 5 09:43:27 PDT 2011
On 08/05/2011 03:02 AM, Pelle wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Aug 2011 00:25:38 +0200, Kai Meyer <kai at> wrote:
>> I have a need for detecting incorrect byte sequences in multiple files
>> (>2) at a time (as a part of our porting effort to new platforms.)
>> Ideally the files should be identical for all but a handful of byte
>> sequences (in a header section) that I can just skip over. I thought
>> this would be a fun exercise for my D muscles. I found success
>> creating a dynamic array of structs to keep information about each
>> file passed in via command-line parameters. I'll append the code at
>> the end (and I'm sure it'll get mangled in the process...)
>> (I'm not one for coming up with creative names, so it's SOMETHING)
>> Then I loop around a read for each file, then manually run a for loop
>> from 0 to BLOCK_SIZE, copy the size_t value into a new dynamic array
>> (one for each of the files opened), and run a function to ensure all
>> values in the size_t array are the same. If not, I compare each ubyte
>> value (via the byte_union) to determine which bytes are not correct by
>> adding each byte to a separate array, and comparing each value in that
>> array, printing the address and values of each bad byte as I encounter
>> them.
>> This appears to work great. Some justifications:
>> I used size_t because I'm under the impression it's a platform
>> specific size that best fits into a single register, thus making
>> comparisons faster than byte-by-byte.
>> I used a union to extract the bytes from the size_t
>> I wanted to create a SOMETHING for each file at run-time, instead of
>> only allowing a certain number of SOMETHINGS (either hard coded, or a
>> limit).
>> Originally I wrote my own comparison function, but in my search for
>> something more functional, I tried out std.algorithm's count. Can't
>> say I can tell if it's better or worse.
>> Features I'll probably add if I have to keep using the tool:
>> 1) Better support for starting points and bytes to read.
>> 2) Threshold for errors encountered, perferrably managed by a
>> command-line argument.
>> 3) Coalescing error messages in sequential byte sequences.
>> When I run the program, it's certainly I/O bound at 30Mb/s to an
>> external USB drive :).
>> So the question is, how would you make it more D-ish? (Do we have a
>> term analogous to "pythonic" for D? :))
>> Code:
>> import std.stdio;
>> import std.file;
>> import std.conv;
>> import std.getopt;
>> import std.algorithm;
>> enum BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
>> union byte_union
>> {
>> size_t val;
>> ubyte[val.sizeof] bytes;
>> }
>> struct SOMETHING
>> {
>> string file_name;
>> size_t size_bytes;
>> File fd;
>> byte_union[BLOCK_SIZE] bytes;
>> }
> I would use TypeNames and nonTypeNames, so, blockSize, ByteUnion,
> Something, sizeBytes, etc.
I haven't used TypeNames or nonTypeNames. Do have some reference
material for me? Searching didn't
give me anything that sounds like what you're talking about.
>> void main(string[] args)
>> {
>> size_t bytes_read;
>> size_t bytes_max;
>> size_t size_smallest;
>> size_t[] comp_arr;
>> SOMETHING[] somethings;
> Don't declare variables until you need them, just leave bytes_read and
> bytes_max here.
Is there a performance consideration? Or is it purely a style or
D-Factor suggestion?
>> getopt(args,
>> "seek", &bytes_read,
>> "bytes", &bytes_max
>> );
>> if(bytes_max == 0)
>> bytes_max = size_t.max; // Limit on the smallest file size
>> else
>> bytes_max += bytes_read;
>> //bytes_read = bytes_read - (bytes_read % (BLOCK_SIZE *
>> SOMETHING.size_bytes.sizeof));
>> size_smallest = bytes_max;
>> somethings.length = args.length - 1;
>> comp_arr.length = args.length - 1;
>> for(size_t i = 0; i < somethings.length; i++)
>> {
>> somethings[i].file_name = args[i + 1];
>> somethings[i].size_bytes = getSize(somethings[i].file_name);
>> stderr.writef("Opening file: %s(%d)\n", somethings[i].file_name,
>> somethings[i].size_bytes);
>> somethings[i].fd = File(somethings[i].file_name, "r");
>> somethings[i];
>> if(somethings[i].fd.tell() != bytes_read)
>> {
>> stderr.writef("Failed to seek to position %d in %s\n", bytes_read,
>> args[i + 1]);
>> }
>> // Pick the smallest file, or the limit
>> size_smallest = min(size_smallest, somethings[i].size_bytes);
>> }
> Use foreach (ref something; somethings) and something instead of
> somethings[i].
I didn't know ref could be used like that :) Thanks!
>> // Check file sizes
>> for(size_t i = 0; i < somethings.length; i++)
>> comp_arr[i] = somethings[i].size_bytes;
>> writef("count: %s\n", count(comp_arr, comp_arr[0]));
>> if(count(comp_arr, comp_arr[0]) != comp_arr.length)
>> {
>> stderr.writef("Files are not the same size!");
>> foreach(s; somethings)
>> stderr.writef("[%s:%d]", s.file_name, s.size_bytes);
>> stderr.writef("\n");
>> }
> You can use writefln() istead of writef("\n") everywhere.
It's hard to fix my printf habits :)
>> // While bytes_read < size of smallest file
>> size_t block_counter;
>> while(bytes_read < size_smallest)
>> {
>> // Read bytes
>> //stderr.writef("tell: ");
>> for(size_t i = 0; i < somethings.length; i++)
>> {
>> //stderr.writef("Reading file %s\n", file_names[i]);
>> //stderr.writef("%d ", somethings[i].fd.tell());
>> //if(somethings[0].fd.tell() + BLOCK_SIZE *
>> SOMETHING.size_bytes.sizeof > somethings[0].size_bytes)
>> //{
>> // stderr.writef("Warning, reading last block : [%d:%d:%d]\n",
>> somethings[0].fd.tell(), somethings[0].size_bytes,
>> somethings[0].fd.tell() + BLOCK_SIZE * SOMETHING.size_bytes.sizeof);
>> // for(size_t j = 0; j < somethings[i].bytes.length; j++)
>> // {
>> // somethings[i].bytes[i].val = 0;
>> // }
>> //}
>> somethings[i].fd.rawRead(somethings[i].bytes);
>> }
>> // Compare all size_t values
>> for(size_t i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
>> {
> Here you can use foreach (i; 0 .. blockSize)
Oh, duh :)
>> // If one is different
>> for(size_t j = 0; j < somethings.length; j++)
>> comp_arr[j] = somethings[j].bytes[i].val;
>> if(count(comp_arr, comp_arr[0]) != comp_arr.length)
>> {
>> // Compare bytes inside to determine which byte(s) are different
>> for(size_t k = 0; k < byte_union.sizeof; k++)
>> {
>> for(size_t j = 0; j < somethings.length; j++)
>> comp_arr[j] = to!(size_t)(somethings[j].bytes[i].bytes[k]);
>> if(count(comp_arr, comp_arr[0]) != comp_arr.length)
>> {
>> stderr.writef("Byte at 0x%08x (%u) does not match %s\n",
>> bytes_read + i * byte_union.sizeof + k,
>> bytes_read + i * byte_union.sizeof + k, comp_arr);
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> bytes_read += BLOCK_SIZE * SOMETHING.size_bytes.sizeof;
>> block_counter++;
>> if( (block_counter % (1024 * 25)) == 0)
>> {
>> stderr.writef("Completed %5.1fGB\n", to!(double)(bytes_read) / 1024 /
>> 1024 / 1024);
>> }
>> }
>> for(size_t i = 0; i < somethings.length; i++)
>> {
>> somethings[i].fd.close();
>> }
>> }
> You don't generally need to close them, they should be closed by the
> destructors of the File (I think, at least).
Being a C programmer, I *have* to be explicit. I get a bit nervous when
I'm not. Infact, the first two things I wrote in the script was a loop
for open and a loop for close :)
> I don't understand why you use ByteUnion instead of just a plain array
> of bytes.
I thought that comparing one byte at a time would be slower than
comparing 8 bytes at a time (size_t on 64bit) and failing over to the
byte-by-byte comparison only when the size_t value was different.
> I also don't understand why you write so much to stderr
> instead of stdout.
Again, just a habit. The tool is in a very terse state. What I typically
do with little hackish scripts like this is if I need to go back and add
actual useful info to STDOUT in a format that is generally consumable
(usually because somebody else wants to use the tool), leaving the
STDERR stuff in there for my own purposes. Then I test by doing
something like "./byte_check <file list> 2>/dev/null". When I'm ready to
dump my terse output, I either keep them for a -v flag, or just delete
the lines. They're easy to find.
Thanks for your feedback :)
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