Are D classes always garbage collected?

Andrew Wiley wiley.andrew.j at
Wed Dec 21 23:11:36 PST 2011

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 10:20 PM, Froglegs <lugtug at> wrote:
>>> Which returned me a nice fat null pointer.. wth? Perhaps that should be a
>>> compile time error if you aren't supposed to use classes..
>> Strange... I'm not sure what the deal is with that overload. I meant the
>> last one on the page (that takes a void[]).
> Hum I've tried the array version but I believe it contains a rather serious
> bug...
> T emplace(T, Args...)(void[] chunk, Args args) if (is(T == class))
> {
>   enforce(chunk.length >= __traits(classInstanceSize, T),
>          new ConvException("emplace: chunk size too small"));
> ...
> This fails whenever the size is greater or equal to the amount of memory
> required :(
> Anyway I need the pointer version for what I was hoping to do, unless there
> is some way to convert a pointer into an array?
> Is there any way to do something like this..
> void* pData = some_c_function();
> void [] fakeArray = pData, size;

void* pData = some_c_function();
void[] fakeArray = pData[0..size];

Although Vladimir's solution is safer.

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