Can I parametrize template mixin's identifiers?

Lutger Blijdestijn lutger.blijdestijn at
Sat Feb 19 12:46:54 PST 2011

Nick wrote:

> I know I can parametrize template mixin types, but how about mixin
> identifiers? This is the code:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> mixin template Box(T) {
>    T val;
> }
> class Set(A, B) {
>    mixin Box!A a;
>    mixin Box!B b;
> }
> alias Set!(int, int) IntSet;
> int main(string[] argv) {
>    scope auto s = new IntSet();
>    s.a.val = 3;
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> As you can see, the A and B types can be changed and with them the boxed
> values. But they need disambiguation, since they have identically named
> members. I know only to hard-code that disambiguation.
> I need this because I intend to change (A, B) with a type list
> eventually and I need to make operations on the boxed types independent
> on the template mixin  identifiers (a, b).
> This pattern comes from C++ code, where Box(T) would be classes, Set (A,
> B, ...) would recursively apply multiple inheritance on the type list.
> Then each Box members could be addressed by casting to the correct Box(T).
> Any idea if this is possible in D?
> Thanks!

Possible yes, but probably not so pretty. There must be some places in 
phobos where something like this is done (better), perhaps in the code for 
tuples in std.typecons. Here is my unpolished attempt:

mixin template Box(T)
    T val;

mixin template MixinFields(P...)
    /* P[0] is the template to use as mixin
     * P[1] is the type to be use as parameter for P[0]
     * P[2] is the symbol name the mixin will be aliased to
    mixin("mixin " ~ __traits(identifier, P[0]) ~ "!(" ~ P[1].stringof ~ ")
          " ~ P[2] ~ ";");
    static if(P.length > 3)
        mixin MixinFields!(P[0], P[3..$]);

class Set(T...)
    mixin MixinFields!(Box, T);

alias Set!(int, "a", int, "b") IntSet;

void main()
    scope auto s = new IntSet();
    s.a.val = 3;

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