toDelegate() for D1

Moritz Warning moritzwarning at
Thu Jan 13 18:33:19 PST 2011

On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 17:14:13 +0000, %u wrote:

> == Quote from Simen kjaeraas (simen.kjaras at's article
>> %u <e at> wrote:
>> > I only need something to make a void deleg() from a void func().
>> This works for me:
>> ReturnType!( F ) delegate( ParameterTypeTuple!( F ) ) toDelegate( F )(
>> F fn ) {
>>      return ( ParameterTypeTuple!( F ) args ){ return fn( args ); };
>> }
> What am I doing wrong. I can't call the delegate twice with anything in
> between.
> ----
> void func(){ writefln("func"); }
> void main(){
>   void delegate() dg;
>   dg = toDelegate(&func);
>   dg(); // np
>   //writefln(dg.ptr," ", dg.funcptr,"."); // Error: Stack Overflow @
>   second dg call //writefln(); // Error: Access Violation @ second dg
>   call dg();
> }
> ----

My tangofied of this code works, maybe it's a lib bug?
On the other hand, is the delegate allocated on the stack?
Anyway, here is another way:

R delegate(T) toDg(R, T...)(R function(T) fp)
    struct dg
        R opCall(T t)
            return (cast(R function(T)) this) (t);
    R delegate(T) t;
    t.ptr = fp;
    t.funcptr = &dg.opCall;
    return t;

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