throws(statement, ErrorType)

spir denis.spir at
Sun Jan 23 03:14:48 PST 2011

On 01/23/2011 06:32 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Saturday 22 January 2011 20:45:14 Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
>> *There are several of those, like assertExcThrown, etc. Try searching
>> the newsgroups for std.unittest or std.datetime and there should be a
>> link to the source if you want it right now.
> It's currently being reviewed and eventually vote on in the "std.unittests for
> (final?) review" thread (which reminds me that I need to finish my updates to put
> the next version up - though IIRC, it's primarily a documentation change, not an
> API change). From the looks of it, I expect it to pass the vote (for which
> Andrei set the deadline as Feb 7), at which point it looks like those functions
> will be going into std.exception. So, assuming that it passes the vote and
> there's no release between now and then, then it'll be in the next release.
> assertThrown is the current name of the function that spir is looking for.

Thank all for your answers. Seems I'll have to wait a bit.
Pointer to the current code?
(I'm very curious of how assertThrown works, actually asked about 
throws(statement, ErrorType) because I have no idea how to craft it myself. 
Seems to me needs compiler support to pass around the statement. Please, do not 
tell me it uses string mixins ;-)

vita es estrany

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