Passing a generic struct as parameter
luis.panadero at
Fri Jul 1 14:46:56 PDT 2011
Finally I try this small test code :
struct A(T, int U) {
T x;
static enum foo = U;
Tout opCast( Tout ) ()
if (isA!Tout) {
Tout nt;
nt.x = x;
return nt;
string toString() {
return to!string(x);
struct B(T, int I) {
enum foo2 = I;
alias A!(T, foo2) Internal;
Internal[foo2 * 2] y;
void opIndexAssign(K) (K v, size_t j)
if (isA!(K) && == && is(typeof(K.x) == typeof(y[0].x)) ) {
y[j] = v;
void opIndexAssign(K) (K v, size_t j)
if (isA!(K) && ( != || !is(typeof(K.x) == typeof(y[0].x))) ) {
y[j] = Internal(v.x);
template isA(T) {
immutable bool isA = __traits(compiles,
T t;
auto x = t.x;
auto u =;
auto bla = A!(int, 2) (10);
auto bla2 =A!(int, 5) (5)
B!(int, 3) bleh;
bleh[1] = bla;
bleh[3] = bla2;
And write : [0, 10, 0, 5, 0, 0]
So this works. Only I need to discover why when I try it over Vector
and Matrix class, I get errors...
Finally, I upload to github : git://
I hope that I not write some barbaric thing in my code....
I do all self-learning D
On Fri, 01 Jul 2011 17:19:36 +0200, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Jul 2011 08:58:32 +0200, Zardoz <luis.panadero at>
> wrote:
>> Well, the problem is that I must do the cast always, see :
>> // alias Matrix!(real,4) Mat4r;
>> // alias Vector!(float, 3) Vec3f;
>> // alias Vector!(real, 4) Vec4r;
>> // In Mat4r, VCol it's aliased to Vector!(real, 4)
>> auto tcol = Mat4r.IDENTITY;
>> auto v = cast(tcol.VCol) Vec3f(1, 2 ,3 ); auto v2 = Vec4r(-1, -2 ,-3
>> ,-4);
>> tcol[1] = v2; // Do a compiler error
>> tcol[2] = v;
> So more likely, this is what you want:
> void opIndexAssign(U)(Vector!(U,dim) v, size_t j) {
> static if (is(U == T)) {
> col[j] = v;
> } else {
> col[j] = cast(VCol)v;
> }
> }
Yep, I'm afraid that I have a blog :
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