makeIndex not working
Johann MacDonagh at
Sat Jul 2 17:15:33 PDT 2011
I'm confused, what am I doing wrong here? This example came from the
std.algorithm documentation.
import std.algorithm;
void main()
immutable int[] arr = [ 2, 3, 1, 5, 0 ]; // index using pointers
auto index1 = new immutable(int)*[arr.length];
makeIndex!("a < b")(arr, index1);
Error is:
main.d(7): Error: template std.algorithm.makeIndex(alias less = "a <
b",SwapStrategy ss = SwapStrategy.unstable,Range,RangeIndex) if
(isForwardRange!(Range) && isRandomAccessRange!(RangeIndex) &&
is(ElementType!(RangeIndex) : ElementType!(Range)*)) does not match any
function template declaration
main.d(7): Error: template std.algorithm.makeIndex(alias less = "a <
b",SwapStrategy ss = SwapStrategy.unstable,Range,RangeIndex) if
(isForwardRange!(Range) && isRandomAccessRange!(RangeIndex) &&
is(ElementType!(RangeIndex) : ElementType!(Range)*)) cannot deduce
template function from argument types !("a <
main.d(7): Error: template instance errors instantiating template
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