Small problem with multi-line strings

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Fri Jul 22 03:54:15 PDT 2011

Dmitry Olshansky:

> writeln(
> "- First item:  150\n"
> "- Second item: 200\n"
> "- Third item:  105");
> Yeah, I know implicit concatenation is bad and I would agree once ~ 
> concatenate complie-time string for 0 overhead.

This works, but it's noisy. Multi-line strings are present in D right to avoid this.

> After all, hardcoded strings are not exactly good thing in the first place.

They are frequently needed in little programs, like script-like programs. I expect D to be good enough for such kind of programs too.

> For big formatted texts just use string import :
>       writeln(import("usage.txt"));
> work like a charm.
> So IMHO it's a non-issue.

I agree it's not a necessary thing, just like multi-line strings are not necessary. But it's handy, and none of the solutions shown in this tread is very good. So I've added an enhancement request:

Thank you for the answers and comments,

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