Implicit conversion of unique objects to mutable and immutable

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Tue Jun 21 18:46:51 PDT 2011

On Wed, 22 Jun 2011 00:02:55 +0000, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> I wonder whether a UniqueRef object could be returned, which could allow
> a single casting of its data to mutable or immutable at the call site.
> Further casts could throw, but that would be a runtime solution. :-/

An extremely rough five-minute attempt just to show the idea:

import std.stdio;
import std.exception;

struct UniqueMutable(T)
    T data;
    bool is_used;

    this(ref T data)
        this.is_used = false; = data;
        data = null;

    T as_mutable()
        return as_impl!(T)();

    immutable(T) as_immutable()
        return as_impl!(immutable(T))();

    private ConvT as_impl(ConvT)()
        ConvT result = cast(ConvT)(data);
        data = null;
        is_used = true;
        return result;

UniqueMutable!T unique_mutable(T)(ref T data)
    return UniqueMutable!T(data);

/* Now foo() clearly documents that the result is unique and mutable */
UniqueMutable!(char[]) foo()
    char[] result = "hello".dup;
    result ~= " world";
    return unique_mutable(result);

void main()
    /* The user can treat it as mutable because it is mutable ... */
    char[] mutable_result = foo().as_mutable;
    mutable_result[0] = 'H';

    /* ... or as immutable from this point on */
    string immutable_result = foo().as_immutable;


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