How To Dynamic Web Rendering?

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Sun May 15 13:53:53 PDT 2011

"Alexander" <aldem+dmars at> wrote in message 
news:iqp58d$3lh$1 at
>  From my point of view, it makes no sense to say "that is wrong" or "that 
> is bad" - unless there is *objective* (and only) way to do something 
> *right* - which is not the case in web development (and any software 
> development in general).

That's just plain rediculous. Software development isn't some damn hippie 
commune where "There are never any wrong answers, just different opinions! 
Tee hee hee :) :) :)". There *are* better ways and worse ways to do many 
things. Despite what everyone seems to have been brainwashed into believing 
these days, not everything is a matter of personal preference or opinion. 
Fuck, what's next? "Well, *for me* I like to have 2+2 equal 5, you can't say 
it's wrong, it's just my preference and my opinion." If some city architect 
decided to make the primary structural frame of a giant high-rise out of 
wood because "I like it, and it works well for me", that stupid screw-up 
would get fired on the spot, drummed out of the industry, and for good 

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