How To Dynamic Web Rendering?
Matthew Ong
ongbp at
Thu May 19 07:46:24 PDT 2011
On 5/13/2011 4:01 AM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> "Matthew Ong"<ongbp at> wrote in message
> news:iqgo17$2nqv$1 at
>> Hi Adam,
>> Thanks again for the sharp pointed answer.
>>> What is the counterpart in D for replacing JSP/ASP/JRuby on Rail or
>>> some sort of dynamic web base development?
>>> I use D for web work by using the standard CGI interface and>sometimes
>>> an embedded http server. It's the best thing I've ever used.
>> Could you share how or show an URL that provide sample code to do that in
>> D?
>>> How to also code digitally sign the DLL that was compiled in D?
>> The same way you sign any other dll/exe.
>> So we use external tool to do that and not a build in one??
>> In java, we use jarsigner with some keygen.
>> Please bear in mind I am new to D.
> Here's a basic "Hello world" CGI app in D:
> // hellocgi.d
> import std.conv;
> import std.stdio;
> void main()
Hmm...Might be problem for it to be main... Security concerned because
of the publicity done my M$ and others also. When they pushed for ASP/JSP...
> {
> // Read in HTTP request headers
> string[] requestHeaders;
> while(true)
> {
> string line = readln();
> if(line.length<= 1)
> break;
> requestHeaders ~= line;
> }
> // Send response headers
> writeln("Status: 200 OK");
> writeln("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
> writeln();
> // Send content
> writeln("<b><i>Hello world</i></b>");
> }
> Compile with:
> dmd hellocgi.d
> And just stick the resulting "hellocgi.exe" (windows) or "hellocgi" (other)
> in whatever "cgi-bin"-capable directory you have on your server.
Thanks for this Example also. I will keep it for later trial.
> Everything else (such as fancy CGI libraries/frameworks like Adam's) can
> ultimately be built out of that basic idea.
> Keep in mind though, that since D is natively compiled, you'll have to
> compile it on either the same OS and CPU architecture as your server, or an
> OS/CPU that's compatible with your server. (This would be true of C/C++ as
> well.)
yes. I am aware about that. Thanks very much.
> I'm sure it's possible to make an ISAPI filter or Apache module in D, but
> I've never really done that in any langauge, and I haven't really dealt with
> DLLs much, so I wouldn't know how. But even as CGI, a web app in D is likely
> to still be much faster than one in, for instance, PHP or Ruby.
Why I am looking for DLL as compare to exe is becuase it is a well know
security concern
published and accepted as minimum by the industry for MNC.
Matthew Ong
email: ongbp at
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