How to implement predicates for Filter!(Pred, Tuple)

Tobias Pankrath tobias at
Fri Nov 11 02:04:18 PST 2011

I've written a Filter-Template, which implements the well-known function for
template arguments:

template Filter(alias SPred, E...)
    static if(E.length == 0) {
        alias TypeTuple!() Filter;
        static if(SPred!(E[0]))
            alias TypeTuple!(E[0], Filter!(SPred, E[1..$])) Filter;
            alias Filter!(SPred, E[1..$]) Filter;

This works just fine:
template IsEqual(int This)
    template IsEqual(int That)
        enum bool IsEqual = This == That;

static assert(is(Filter!(IsEqual!5, 5,1,5,1,5) == TypeTuple!(5, 5, 5)));

However I can't use it directly, for example like this:
> pragma(msg, IsEqual!(5)!5);

However if I wouldn't rely on the ETT, and use a different name for the 
template, it will work.

template IsEqual(int This)
  template Pred(int That)
    enum bool Pred = This == That;

pragma(msg, IsEqual!(5).Pred!(5));

But that will make IsEqual less elegant to use in conjunction with filter. 
So, is there a way to elegantly use one template in both cases? Otherwise I 
would declare two versions:
one with a single and one with two parameter.


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