operator "~" does not check type?

Cheng Wei rivercheng at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 03:57:09 PDT 2011

== Quote from Steven Schveighoffer (schveiguy at yahoo.com)'s article
> On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 09:46:57 -0400, Trass3r <un at known.com> wrote:
> >> I believe that the primary reasoning for allowing the implicit
> >> conversion
> >> between int and dchar is so that code like this
> >>
> >> dchar c = 'a' + 7;
> >
> > That's a '+' though, not a '~'.
> Jonathan meant this better example ;)
> string s = "hello";
> s ~= 'a' + 7;

It's still fine if '~' does not allow implicit casting but '+' does.
'a' + 7 -> 'h' which is already a dchar. So it can be appended to s
without casting.

Now the question is how easy it is to allow implicit casting for some
operators but not other operators.

> > I think it shouldn't be allowed with ~ since it's misleading.
> > Newbies would probably expect "abc" ~ 10 to yield "abc10" rather
> > the odd "abc\n".
> 100% agree.  Requiring a cast in order to convert to dchar is a
> price to pay (not that common to do arithmetic with characters) for
> avoiding surprising compilations.
> -Steve

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