char and string with umlauts

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Thu Oct 20 11:00:02 PDT 2011

On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 19:48:54 +0300, Jim Danley wrote:

> I have been a programmer for many years and started using D about one
> year back.  Suddenly, I find myself in unfamiliar territory.  I need to
> used Finish umlauts in chars and strings, but they are not part of my
> usual American ASCII character set.

As Trass3r said, the source code must be saved in a standard Unicode 
encoding. UTF-8 just works.

If your editor is UTF-8, then you should be able to use a Finnish 
keyboard or copy/paste from another source like a web page or a character 
map program in your system. (I use Emacs under Ubuntu with a Turkish 
quail keyboard mapping, which has been designed by me.)

> Can anyone point me in the right direction?  I am getting "Invalid UTF-8
> sequence" errors.

Could you please show a simple program?

> Thanks,
> Jim


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