Dear ChrisMiller: This is day 4 of me trying to Compile a (tutorial) myForm.d program with D/Dfl/Entice.

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Tue Apr 10 13:07:29 PDT 2012

On 4/10/12, vmars316 <vmars316 at> wrote:
> This is day 4 of me trying to Compile a (tutorial) myForm.d
> program with D/Dfl/Entice.

Almost a year ago a newbie had the same issue. I gave him some short
instructions but apparently this post isn't in the archives for some
reason. Anyway the instructions were:

$ git clone

cmd.exe (set these paths to where DM and DMD are installed)
$ set dmc_path=C:\dm
$ set dmd_path=C:\DMD\dmd2
$ cd dfl\win32\dfl
$ makelib.bat

Wait for it to build, then:

$ set dfl_lib=%cd%\dfl.lib
$ cd..
$ set dfl_import=%cd%
$ cd ../..
$ mkdir testdfl
$ cd testdfl

Copy this example to a test.d file:

And then run:
$ dmd test.d -I%dfl_import% %dfl_lib%
$ test.exe

Ultimately you would use the dfl_import and dfl_lib variables in a
build script of some sort, maybe a batch file. E.g. if you've cloned
the DFL repository to C:\git\dfl you could use this build.bat batch

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "DFL_LIB=C:\git\dfl\win32\dfl\dfl.lib"
set "DFL_IMPORT=C:\git\dfl\win32"
dmd -I%DFL_IMPORT% %DFL_LIB% test.d

and this would build test.d to test.exe.

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