Higher-order functions?

Xan xancorreu at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 01:45:33 PDT 2012

Good answer.

For the other hand, what is the simplest method for implementing 
this (in pseucode) in D:


FUNC someprocedure(int a, int b, func<int, int: int> f) int
   RETURN f(a, b)

And call it with:

   IO.writeLine("add: " .. someprocedure(2, 3, { a, b => a + b }))
   IO.writeLine("multiply: " .. someprocedure(2, 3, { a, b => a * 
b }))

(Read the => as "gives")

Is it possible to have this?


On Wednesday, 11 April 2012 at 00:03:05 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 04/11/2012 01:13 AM, Jonas H. wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> does D have any runtime higher-order function facilities?
> D has full runtime support for higher-order functions and 
> closures.
> import std.stdio;
> int[] map(scope int delegate(int) f, int[] a){
>     auto b = new int[a.length];
>     foreach(i,x;a) b[i] = f(x);
>     return b;
> }
> void main(){
>     int a = 2;
>     writeln(map(x=>a*x, [1,2,3]));
> }
>> (I'm not  talking about templates.)
> You will often use templates together with runtime higher order 
> functions. Eg:
> import std.stdio;
> T[] map(T,S)(scope T delegate(S) f, S[] a){
>     auto b = new T[a.length];
>     foreach(i,x;a) b[i] = f(x);
>     return b;
> }
> void main(){
>     int a = 2;
>     writeln(map((int x)=>a*x, [1,2,3]));
>     writeln(map((double x)=>a*x, [1.6,2.7,3.8]));
> }
> For function literals that contain more than one statement, 
> there is an alternate syntax:
> auto dg = (int a, double b){a*=b; return a+b;}
> You can explicitly specify 'function' or 'delegate':
> auto fp = function (int x) => 2*x; // not a closure, simple 
> function pointer (uses less space, but is less powerful)
> int a = 2;
> auto dg = delegate (int x) => a*x; // closure, can refer to a
> You can leave out argument types when they can be directly 
> deduced from the context.
> Finally, if the literal has an explicit 'function' or 
> 'delegate' it is possible to explicitly specify the return type:
> auto dg = delegate int(int x) => x;
>> More specifically, is something like this possible? (That's 
>> how I'd do
>> it in Python)
>> car_prices = map(Car.get_price, list_of_cars)
>> car = new Car
>> foobar(car.get_price)
>> Thanks
>> Jonas
> (Well, the standard way to do what that python code does is 
> using templates.
> auto car_prices = map!(car => car.get_price)(list_of_cars);// 
> lazy range
> auto car_prices = array(map!(car => 
> car.get_price(list_of_cars)); // eager array)

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