How to use "read_bool"?

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Fri Aug 3 11:48:04 PDT 2012

On 08/03/2012 10:58 AM, simendsjo wrote:

 > Guess I should do this as you give away all your hard work for free.

Thank you! I am making it better little by little every day.

 > Do you mind me asking why you give away the translation for free btw?

I think all of the following: This is my project for fun. I don't think 
the gains would make any difference anyway. It is not complete yet.

 > Your selling the Turkish version, right?

No, the Turkish version is free as well. :) Some people complain that 
there is no way of showing material appreciation.

There are some thoughts and efforts by others to make it a paper book.


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