abnormal program termination

Ellery Newcomer ellery-newcomer at utulsa.edu
Wed Aug 29 10:43:27 PDT 2012

On 08/28/2012 01:03 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:
> On 08/28/2012 09:55 AM, Regan Heath wrote:
>  > I searched the DMD sources, just in case the message "abnormal
>  > program termination" was DMD specific, and I found nothing.  Then I
>  > searched all files and the string appears in the dmd.exe binary,
>  > making me suspect the compiler used to produce dmd.exe put it there,
>  > so perhaps there is a dmc option to disable it.
> maybe so

found it.

void dmd_51d770(char* msg, char* title) {
     HANDLE handle;
     DWORD nchars;
     handle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
     if(handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ||
        WriteConsoleA(handle, msg, strlen(msg), &nchars, 0) == 0) {
         MessageBoxA(NULL, msg, title, MB_OK|MB_ICONHAND|MB_TASKMODAL);

good old olly.

Sorry to waste your time.

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