rdmd & exception def & multiple files

Dmitry Olshansky dmitry.olsh at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 13:36:14 PDT 2012

On 30-Aug-12 00:14, Charles Hixson wrote:
> Is the following expected?
> When I put the exception:
> class LogicError : Exception
> {
>      this( string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable
> next = null )
>      {
>          super( "Internal logic error", file, line, next );
>      }
> }
> In the same file as the rest of the program,
> rdmd --main -unittest avl.d
> had no trouble with it, but when I put it in a separate file,
> while:
> dmd -c -unittest avl.d utils.d
> accepted it without complaint, rdmd responded with:
> rdmd --main -unittest avl.d utils.d

It should work with plain rdmd --main -unittest avl.d that's the whole 
point of rdmd actually.

Olshansky Dmitry

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