How works internally ParallelForEach
luis.panadero at
Sat Dec 1 03:36:15 PST 2012
On Saturday, 1 December 2012 at 10:58:55 UTC, thedeemon wrote:
> taskPool.parallel is a library function, it doesn't make
> compiler smarter and doesn't get much help from the compiler.
> It means your "total" variable will not get any special
> treatment, it's still a local variable referenced from the loop
> body which is turned into a function by foreach. This function
> is run by .parallel in several threads, so you'll get a race
> condition and most probably an incorrect total value. You
> should avoid changing the same memory in paralel foreach.
> Processing different elements of one array (even local) is ok.
> Writing to one variable not ok.
Humm... So ParallelForeach only launch N tasks doing a work over
a slice from the range and nothing more.
The prevois code should work better if i set "total" to be sahred
and hope that D shared vars have nnow the internal barries
working ,or I need to manually use semaphores ?
import std.stdio;
import std.parallelism;
import std.math;
void main() {
auto logs = new double[10_000_000];
shared double total = 0;
foreach(i, ref elem; taskPool.parallel(logs, 100)) {
elem = log(i + 1.0);
total += elem;
PD: I know that I can use reduction to do the same thing much
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