Visual D - Solution with Static Lib and Console App.

Nekroze nekroze.lives at
Thu Dec 6 14:00:10 PST 2012

On Thursday, 6 December 2012 at 21:28:38 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 
> On 06.12.2012 22:03, Nekroze wrote:
>> Ok so I have the need to make a static library that will be 
>> reused in
>> multiple future projects. My thinking was that in future 
>> solutions i can
>> just add an existing project, my static library project, so it 
>> would
>> grab it and just work. However i cannot seem to get it to work.
>> I have a solution with a console app and the static library at 
>> the
>> moment and have made the console app have the static library 
>> as a
>> dependency. under the project settings of the console app i 
>> cannot seem
>> to disable using the "standard import paths" but even if i add 
>> the path
>> to the standard import paths in the visual d settings it still 
>> doesn't
>> work.
>> I could probably make this working by making my own sc.ini but 
>> that is
>> something i would rather not do if i don't have to and i am 
>> sure there
>> is a way of making this work.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> You should set the dependency in the "Project Dependencies" 
> dialog.

As i said in the OP i have done this but it still doesn't work. I 
think in Visual D all that changes is the build order etc. not 
the importing and linking by the looks of it.

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