alias this private?

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Sun Dec 9 20:50:16 PST 2012

On 12/09/2012 11:52 AM, js.mdnq wrote:

 > Well, I would not say they are exactly the same.

Do they have to be exactly the same? You are showing a method that fails 
to satisfy a requirement, I show another method which according to fail 
to satisfy another requirement. Software is engineering as well. What is 
the problem? Let's just solve it.

 > In your case you are
 > aliasing on opGet while I'm talking about aliasing on the struct itself.

I know.

 > e.g., there might be other members you do want the user to have access
 > too.

Then I give access to those members.

 > With your's, they won't be able to access them(your's is actually
 > more restrictive).

I don't see that.

 > For example, how can they access a "Validate" method like I have using
 > your struct?

It is so trivial that I am beginning to think I have not understood a 
tiny bit of what you have been saying, but here it goes: :)

struct sPassword
     string Password_;


     alias opGet this;

     void opAssign(string value)
         Password_ = value;

     string opGet() { return "******"; }

     bool Validate(string pass) { return pass == Password_; }

void main()
     sPassword myPass;
     myPass = "hello";
     assert(myPass == "******");
     assert(myPass.Validate("hello"));    // <-- here

I hope others can show me what I've been misunderstanding. :-/


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