Beta problems... 'this' pointer in union?

Era Scarecrow rtcvb32 at
Sat Dec 29 20:30:27 PST 2012

On Sunday, 30 December 2012 at 03:43:09 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> For any bugs that you find in the beta, bring them up in the 
> beta list and create bug reports for them in bugzilla: 

  Will do

> Looking at the code though, I'm shocked to see a function 
> declaration in a union. I wouldn't have thought that that was 
> legal. But maybe that's why the static assertions are failing.

  Not my original idea; Actually it's part of a previous test case 
from std/format.d lines: 684-695. The original test case is 
actually to make sure that with no defaults that it doesn't try 
to set a default of throwing a 'overlapping initialization' error.

             bool, "flDash", 1,
             bool, "flZero", 1,
             bool, "flSpace", 1,
             bool, "flPlus", 1,
             bool, "flHash", 1,
             ubyte, "", 3));
       ubyte allFlags;

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