Segment violation (was Re: Why I could not cast string to int?)
Timon Gehr
timon.gehr at
Sat Feb 4 13:20:58 PST 2012
On 02/04/2012 06:55 PM, Artur Skawina wrote:
> On 02/04/12 02:03, Timon Gehr wrote:
>> On 02/03/2012 11:08 AM, Artur Skawina wrote:
>>> On 02/03/12 00:20, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>>>> in is pointless on value types. All it does is make the function parameter
>>>> const, which really doesn't do much for you, and in some instances, is really
>>>> annoying. Personally, I see no point in using in unless the parameter is a
>>>> reference type, and even then, it's often a bad idea with reference types,
>>>> because in is really const scope, and the scope is problematic if you want to
>>>> return anything from that variable. It's particularly problematic with arrays,
>>>> since it's frequently desirable to return slices of them, and scope (and
>>>> therefore in) would prevent that. It's useful in some instances (particularly
>>>> with delegates), but I'd use in _very_ sparingly. It's almost always more
>>>> trouble than it's worth IMHO.
>>> BTW, scope should have been the default for *all* reference type function
>>> arguments, with an explicit modifier, say "esc", required to let the thing
>>> escape. It's an all-or-nothing thing, just like immutable strings - not using
>>> it everywhere is painful, but once you switch everything over you get the
>>> benefits.
>> I totally agree. Most function arguments are not escaped. However, it is nice that the shortest storage class, 'in', implies scope.
> There are currently two problems with using "in": a) the one mentioned, where
> using in/scope means you can't (or shouldn't be able to) pass the thing to another
> function w/o scope marked args, and b) "in" implies "const", which is a problem
> because you may want to reassign the argument - a perfectly safe thing to do.
> With "const" itself you can use parentheses to limit its scope to not include
> the reference itself; the problematic case is the builtin "string" alias, ie
> "int f(in string s);" would have to allow reassigning 's' inside the function.
> Semi-related quiz:
> immutable(char)[] a = "a";
> const (char)[] b = "b";
> auto aa = a ~ a;
> auto bb = b ~ b;
> auto ab = a ~ b;
> writeln("aa: ", typeid(aa), " bb: ", typeid(bb), " ab: ", typeid(ab));
> And the question is: How many people, who have not already been bitten by this,
> will give the correct answer to: "What will this program print?"?
I think this is covered in this issue:
But feel free to open a more specific enhancement/bug report.
> There should have been another class, in addition to immutable/const, say "uniq".
> For cases where an expression results in new unique objects. This class implicitly
> converts to any of const/immutable and mutates to the new type. IOW
> string a = "a";
> char[] b = "b";
> auto c = a ~ b; // typeid(c) == (uniq(char)[])
> string d = c; // Fine, "c" is unique and can be safely treated as a string.
> // But, from now on, "c" is (immutable(char)[]) so:
> char[] e = c; // Fails.
> // And the other way:
> auto f = a ~ b;
> char[] g = f; // OK
> string h = f // Fails, as f is now a (char[])
> No need for unsafe-looking casts, just so that the compiler accepts perfectly safe
> code, like: "string c = ab;", which would currently fail if used in the above quiz,
> and has to be written as "string c = cast(string)ab;". [1]
> artur
> [1] Using a helper template is not different from adding a comment, it only serves
> to document /why/ the programmer had to something, which is only a workaround for
> a language/compiler limitation. "Compiler" because at least the simple cases could
> be silently fixed in a backward compatible way (by not disallowing safe conversions).
> "Language" because "uniq" would also be useful when the programmer knows it applies,
> but the compiler can't figure it out by itself.
I am certain we'll get something like this eventually, once the compiler
bug count has shrunk sufficiently. It is a natural thing to add.
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