How to reverse char[]?

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at
Tue Feb 7 17:36:23 PST 2012

On 02/08/2012 02:29 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to reverse a character array. Why doesn't the following work?
> 	import std.algorithm;
> 	void main() {
> 		char[] array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
> 		reverse(array);
> 	}
> I get:
> Error: template std.algorithm.reverse(Range) if (isBidirectionalRange!(Range)&&  hasSwappableElements!(Range)) does not match any function template declaration
> Error: template std.algorithm.reverse(Range) if (isBidirectionalRange!(Range)&&  hasSwappableElements!(Range)) cannot deduce template function from argument types !()(char[])
> T

char[] is handled by Phobos as a range of dchar, ergo it does not have 
swappable elements. Apparently there is no template specialisation of 
'reverse' that handles narrow strings, you might want to file an 
enhancement request.

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