Object initializers

simendsjo simendsjo at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 07:15:43 PST 2012

C# has Object Initializers: 
Java has Double Brace Initializers: 

D has with: http://dlang.org/statement.html#WithStatement

The nice thing about object initializers is that you can initialize 
properties not supported by ctor in-place:
someFunction(new C { property = value });
new C {
   d = new D { /*something*/ }

Are there a good D idom to do something like this? I'm pretty sure 
someone can write some template magic to match the capabilities of C# 
though :)

This is a little test using mixin (which obviously isn't of any real use)

T init(T, string Q, A...)(A params) {
     auto c = new T(params);
     with(c) {
     return c;

class C {
     int _i;
     @property void prop(int i) { _i = i; }

     string _a;
     int _b;
     this(string a, int b) {
         _a = a;
         _b = b;

void main() {
     auto c = init!(C, q{ prop = 10; })("a", 2);
     assert(c._i == 10);
     assert(c._a == "a");
     assert(c._b == 2);

Or with a delegate instead:
T init(T, A...)(void delegate(T) dg, A params) {
     auto c = new T(params);
     return c;

auto c = init!(C)((C o) { o.prop = 10; }, "a", 2);

Extremely ugly and hard to read :)

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