Changes for newer version...

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at
Fri Jan 20 12:44:36 PST 2012

On Thursday, 19 January 2012 at 20:44:04 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:
> Been a bit out of it for a while, but finding enough tools at 
> my disposal I feel I can work on/convert a project now.
> I happen to have one of the first printing books (without the 
> name on the cover), and although it may be worth millions in a 
> few years, apparently there's been enough changes that certain 
> features are not familiar in the discussions.
> So I need to ask since I don't see any obvious pages that 
> describe it. What are the changes to D2, since the book's 
> release? What has externally changed? (Internal implementation 
> of features need not be mentioned if it's transparent to the 
> programmer and user).

For the most part the language has been changing to match the 
book. There are still bugs in that regard.[tdpl]

The book itself has its own bugs, which can be found on the 
errata page.

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