Meaning of const

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Wed Jan 25 15:35:59 PST 2012

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 11:50:57PM +0100, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 01/25/2012 02:29 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >But since Walter doesn't like the idea of restricting the syntax to 'int
> >y() const', then what about making it mandatory to write:
> >
> >	const(int) x;
> >
> >instead of:
> >
> >	const int x;
> >
> >?
> You essentially propose to remove the const/immutable/shared/inout
> storage classes for variables. It would break almost every D program
> and I don't see many benefits.
> It is very simple. What may be confusing you is that
> const/immutable/shared/inout are both type constructors and storage
> classes.

Ah, I see. This is very helpful.

So what's the difference between a const int type, and an int variable
with const storage class?

I think this is the key issue. The syntax makes this distinction
non-obvious, IMHO, which is very confusing. This ambiguity also shows up
in function definitions (allowing storage classes to appear left or
right of the function name/parameters), which we discussed earlier. From
what I can tell, Walter doesn't want to change this, but I have to say
that this is one part of D I find unnecessarily confusing.


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