dmd & gdc

xancorreu xancorreu at
Thu Jan 26 10:00:49 PST 2012

Al 26/01/12 19:48, En/na Alex Rønne Petersen ha escrit:
> On 26-01-2012 18:06, xancorreu wrote:
>> Al 26/01/12 17:15, En/na H. S. Teoh ha escrit:
>>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 01:34:39PM +0100, Trass3r wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, 26 January 2012 at 11:46:19 UTC, sami wrote:
>>>>> my question is if there thing i can do with dmd only and visa
>>>>> versa?
>>>>> what the feature of one of them over the other?
>>>>> what the different between them in term of inline assembly,
>>>>> performance, platform and bugs?
>>>> They share the frontend, i.e. language support is pretty much the
>>>> same.
>>>> dmd's backend is limited both in terms of performance and platform
>>>> support (x86 only), but it compiles D code faster.
>>>> gdc inherits gcc's sophisticated optimizer capabilities, but may
>>>> have unique bugs in its glue code.
>>> gdc also inherits gcc's multiplatform support, together with platform
>>> specific optimizations common to all gcc-based compilers.
>> I note that gdc is completely free software but dmd runtime is not. An
>> alternative is ldc, also free.
> Huh? Surely you mean the DMD back end? Everything else is either GPL 
> or Boost.

Yes, sorry.


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