A tutorial on D templates: updates

Philippe Sigaud philippe.sigaud at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 12:45:40 PST 2012


[cross-posted with D.announce, since it's a topic of interest for people learning D]

I posted there a few weeks ago about a tutorial on D templates I put in github:


Since then, I received numerous mails, issues, advices and thanks. Thank to you all!

Following the ideas found in TDPL, I wrote a D script to extract and test all the samples presented
in the document. I'm proud to say that right now, all named (module XXX;) samples compile, which
makes for more than 200 modules tested! Indeed, you could see the entire document as a huge package
documentation :)

I also added explanations, new sections and a new appendix in D templates resources.

As before, do not hesitate to read, comment, post and even send pull requests, I'm all ears.



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